Digital ads are an integral part on our online experience. They are presented as an instant way to attract a viewer to your product, promotion or website and hopefully click through to find out more. However, more often than not, sites have become over saturated with advertising and many viewers develop what is commonly called “banner blindness”, where the viewer either consciously or subconsciously ignores the display ads they encounter.

To overcome “banner blindness” and make sure your digital ads have the best chance of being noticed and engage viewers, you need a plan for your campaign.

A recent article in Website Magazine suggests utilizing the following five checklist items to maximize interaction when creating digital ads.

:: Identify goals

This should always be the first thing you do when beginning any type of advertising campaign. Know your audience and decide on your campaign goals ahead of time. Decide where you want to retarget them. Focus only on a click-through that is appropriate to their needs or offers a true incentive for the viewer to click.

:: Keep it simple

Cluttered ads tend to underperform, so the message here is to keep simplicity in mind. Brief headlines, clean imagery, and concise benefit-oriented copy invites viewer engagement.

:: Give value to CTAs

Probably the most important design element of an online ad is the call-to-action (CTA). CTAs should be prominent, clear and convey some type of benefit to the viewer. Rather than just state “Click Here”, consider a more inviting value statement such as “Discover Now” or “Get the Report”. It’s also good to incorporate a sense of urgency like “Limited Time Offer! Get the Details”.

:: Maximize brand awareness

Your logo is an important element in any advertising. It validates authority and identifies with the viewer. A recent Rocket Fuel study of digital advertising reveals the impact of logo placement in ads on click-through rates. The graphic below clearly illustrates the results of that study.


:: Maintain cohesiveness

Don’t overlook establishing a cohesive look and message in your digital advertising with your brand look and any other brand advertising and collateral. This instantly unifies and connects your product and brand messaging with the viewer across multi-channels such as print and broadcast.